1600th Comment = Prize!

@cloud where is my prize??

i got 1200th

Yeah, we both need a prize!!

me to

yeah our prize is not here.

i need my 2 votes on MAKE A new bro mon named monoball - #54 by Annjjj11

I forgot cloud isnt online anymore

oh yeah :bromon2:

That means we don’t get a prize :emojigolem_crying: :emojigolem_crying: :emojigolem_crying: :emojigolem_crying:

yeah :emojigolem_crying: :emojigolem_crying: :emojigolem_crying: :scribblion_roar: :scribblion_roar::flappy_bird4: :flappy_bird4: :flappy_bird4: :flappy_bird4:

We will have to find someone else to give the prize!


“No prize for naughty children!” -Cloud the Santa

why is it 1400th now

it’s @Tutube

Did someone text me?

why did you made it 1400th

I didn’t? It was the ACS

can’t you see