1600th Comment = Prize!

we have the winner!

the winner is me

here your medal


you can use it for your profile card

ok happy

:emojigolem_lovely: :emojigolem_lovely: :emojigolem_lovely: :emojigolem_lovely: :emojigolem_lovely: :emojigolem_lovely: :emojigolem_lovely: :emojigolem_lovely: :emojigolem_lovely: :emojigolem_lovely:

this is a scam

it went to 300 now ):

It did go to 1300!


but that was the 1211th

that was the 1197th post

It’s about the deleting reply problem

After a long time, the reply that was deleted by author will be removed, won’t be seen again. Also including the reply counter, it will be removed from the reply counter

With this problem, I recommend a little that you guys shouldn’t talk about the winner from the past, if there’s any deleted reply by author then don’t discuss about it

@Tutube, why would you edit the title to 1300¡¿¡

I didn’t edit it, Dllloug. It’s the ACS

Whats ACS

Look like there’s a problem with your connection…It showed the System avatar didn’t it? Or am I having problem with connection…Uhhh

1 Like

It didnt

But I didn’t…I don’t even have the power to do those…