Arba election! The first edition

  • Other(pls ask)
  • Thebsssimulator
  • Pacino
  • Loftwig
  • I dont wanna vote(i just wanna see the dramatic results
0 voters

@Mecha_Kiryu4 @Loftwing
If vote or say you want to be the leader you’ll be forced to unsubmit your vote.


What?!?! why

Well people can say they voted for you by clicking other @Mecha_Kiryu4

Add me on there and spell Loftwig to Loftwing now!!!

This isnt even the first one! i made the first one, but link it in the vote 4 new leader email

Or u will have TWO angry
ARBA agents to deal with

dont want that do u? Scratchgamerz

Voting ends Around the first day of February

@A.R.B.A Cast your votes

Loftwing, use thunderbolt!

He doesnt understand…

Click here

Get noobed!!!

@Pancino should be the leader he’s very kind!

1 Like

loftwing uses alolan raichu! Its super effective

@Pancino What you voted for

yeah! Pancino is great!

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Loftwing use iron tail

On scratchgamer

I vote for Pancino btw

Uno reverse! Aloan Raichu felt pain