[Back!] A Heartfelt Goodbye from Cloud ☁

Make a bromon in memory

He was the only friend who made me stubborn and now he is gone I feel sadness but won’t stop me from being stubborn!

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acctually :nerd_face: :point_up:


he mmade so many bro mons,

This is soo saddd… :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob:

Im sad…

he made too many bromons so they decided to remove him from community

When did you become a little toxic?I know it can be a joke but it is NOT FUNNY.


it is a theory

Because no funny with that


I thought you were sad

honesty i joined 2 weeks i dt even know who @cloud is

Cloud is a leader, a lot of his bro-mon get added.That what I know

so why is everyone so emotional. when @CringeXD left it was all negative. i dont get why @cloud gets more celebration

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Cloud is a leader,help the community ban some people,I guess…But he is friendly,was the top one best leader

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For CringeXD,people said he mention people too much,called other people with some bad.Anything else?I dont know :slight_smile:

@cloud was a leader and he was creative, he was here for a long time

@CringeXD was kinda mean and he begged for votes and other bad stuff