BreachKit! New Warriors Idea!

Its true…


so toxic

Purloin ~ To Steal Something

Thank you for playing definition of the day!

you know what rhymes with day

You have improved your vocabulary by +1

GOOD JOB! :smile: :+1:

Gay :neutral_face:
isn’t it thanks

go away

does not rhyme


it has to have that -AY

not a dif word…

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Bssimulator on Sweezy: :smile: :sweat_smile:

Bssimulator behind screen: :neutral_face: :rage: :frowning_face:

No Offense

this is my opinion…

its wrong

we say “wronge” :skull:

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what was this post tell me. censorship is bad whoever flagged

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He was promoting his discord in every Topic

it was flagged as Off-Topic

i flagged it lol oops
