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I think this is not a quote

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“Don’t surfing web too long,or you will be stuck with ViralViper.”

“Open too much Tabby Tangle may cause lagging.”

“Wearing mask when go outside,there’s may some germs,listen to CoviDef.”

“NatureNaut’s job is greening the galaxy,your job is greening the Earth.”

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Hatred your actually right. Bromon is soo useless. DOUG IS THE BESTTTT AND ENCH FROG


What happen to you guys?


yes, what are they mean
the mithycal is very op

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“If you can’t become a king in your life,make another life in your mind and become a king,roar like SribLion.”

“Having a sweet dessert after eat is not bad at all,ask CandyGolem to share with you.”


thats…highly controversial, thinking that a fanmade monster is treated more highly then the motto for br mon-

Omeganium brain enlightment moment

@TheBssimulator ask me if you want the quote be added, and let only me add, also: Don’t put that ur the creator of thw ashstrike, like i don’t put i’m the creator of ninjamaki


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“Keep your house clean with Broomzo.”

“If Moony-Bunny follow the Moon’s shine,then you are the Moon and someone will follow your shine in someday.”

“Burger-Turtle and Taco-Turtle have different look,but they are same animal,just like human.”

Why people are not making this again?

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Ahh…This is Rip

unfortunaly :frowning:

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Because it is just kinda hard to think a quote for a Bro-mon…And there’s not much new

You shouldn’t troll everyone much like MR.Troll because they will angry when they have trolled


can you add mine

Don’t be a loser, be cool like wheely-clicker

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