Bro Mon Stickers Sneakpeak ✨

im not saying I hate you but I would uncharged your life support to charge my phone

  1. My life may be a joke, but it’s not as funny as your outfit

bro donovan let him cook!!!

I didn’t mean to push your buttons, I was just looking for mute

  1. I’d rather treat a baby’s diaper rash than have lunch with you.

1."Brains aren’t everything. In fact, in your case, they’re nothing.”****


shut 3 brain cells

I’m not an astronomer, but I’m pretty sure the Earth revolves around the sun… not you.

I think smarter not harder

How many licks 'till I get to the interesting part of this conversation?

Andres you are built like pancakes uncooked

stop copying and pasting from websites.

im not

but let me tell you some thing

your not the dumbest person in the world but you better watch out Incase they die

. When I listen to you, I think you really are going to go far. I hope you stay there.

Andres you built like marshmallow man from ghostbusters

Have you ever tried not being an idiot?

that all folks