BroMin: my friend’s idea [DONE]

Cloudphant-pfp -


Hey guys, today i’ll share with you an idea that MY FRIEND created, i just created the digital art of the bromon.

Well, if Doug has his brother BrrrBlaze, why not a brother for BroMon?

Name: BroMin
Rarity: Mythical (Or maybe a new rarity better than Mythical)
Type: Wildfy / Browsarrr
Catchphrase: “The light of the Night!”
Description: Born from the same place as BroMon, BroMin is his younger brother, and is distinguished by his wings and tail. But don’t be fooled, when angry BroMin launches a supersonic attack, it’s nothing more than the scream of his crying!


Bro-mon only (9)
Bro-mon only (8)

@sweezy if you add it, please don’t put my name, put: Suggested by Giulia OR Suggested by Friend of @SophiaBeifong


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to só deixando no topo

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not this again…

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lol but we talk other language all time on Sweezy Community
Here in Brazil our native language is not even English

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Is it cute?

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bilingual is crazy… oh wait I speak 3 lol ( Icelandic is my main, English, German, kinda random lol. And no, I won’t speak them to you unless you explain Norse Mythology in under 5 words :3)

the reason I won’t speak other languages here is because I don’t like being bilingual on an English website, it feels wrong.

Cool, i’m trying to learn italian

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sick, are you Brazilian or somth?

I’m Brazilian

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cool im from Iceland

wow, cool!

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I tried learning Portuguese once, I sucked at it

yes it is very difficult for those who are not from here

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I tried learning it because I wanted to live there to play football :joy:

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how many languages do you guys know?

  • 1 :unamused:
  • 2👌
  • 3😎
  • 4-6😳
  • 7+:flushed::exploding_head::nerd_face:
0 voters
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