BroMon Idea scratch cat [DONE]

Sweezy… and it is a good idea

Oh ok

So you mean less votes = no add?..hmmm

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My bromon has 51 votes and it’s not added

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Mine got 16 and did not get added

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Votes aren’t everything!
Some sick cool ideas doesn’t get the attention that it needs, but @sweezy is aways trying to give most attention possible! If he likes, even with low votes, the idea will get added! Maybe the idea just doesn’t get popular but is a truly masterpiece! Not only sweezians decide if it will get added or not.
The best will always prevail, even if they are not heard.


Oh ok

Sweezy was new too


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uh oh

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he got caught in 4K

Nice speach

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I thought your typing is bad :sob:

ok :grinning:

hey Onepiecerules you said “Fu**er”


Big yikes


bro Missed Gen Z :skull: