Bromon Idea: SnapAw

:1bromon: :1bromon:

:1bromon: : :1bromon:

Lol that looks like a fade

ur blowing my notifactions

Also how to become leader, Sophia?

  1. How to Achieve Trust Level 4:

• Trust Level 4 is manually assigned by community admins.

• It’s given to the most dedicated and trusted members who have shown leadership.

:o do u think i show leadership?



i need regular :sob:

I have

yeah ik

Do i show leadership?


:open_mouth: then how can I show enough leader ship so i can become Leader? :3


hey, just be really helpful and keep posting and replying then you’ll became leader

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Okk I am :smiley:

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should make it a bit more complex. and also smooth out the drawing. But nice

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Yeah sure

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