Bromon voting hub 500!

i read all of these

they are pretty scary

guys have you all voted

search up emoji kitchen on google you will love it

1 Like

?otay emoji golem do that now

OMG ME LIKE :smiley: ! i


best mythical bromon

  • bromon
  • doug
  • monster catnap
  • catastrophe
0 voters

best legendary bromon

  • orb chrome
  • firewall fenir
  • emoji golem
  • ench frog
0 voters

best epic bromon

  • Dapper squid
  • Goggle googler
  • emoji golem (before change)
  • Wheely clicker
  • Galactapanda
  • Babygrooty mc fly
  • Solar flutter
  • Monster dogday
  • monstor ccraftycorn
  • other
0 voters

Emoji golem is one of my favs

Emoji golem is cool

but Doug better

also this might be the most replys

@Andres69 are you me?

that what I said!

omg its my cosin @Andres69


also talk to him

okay guys ready we are going to have a voting tortement

the rules are you pick any bromon exept emoji golem cuz i have him allready and we will do multiple voting. if your bromon does not get voted your bromon is out your not alllowed to vote your bromon