No I like the guy who used 2 bullet to clean two building
Yeah, that guy is awesome! Listen, I gtg so seeya!
200th reply!
Detective:Check someone’s profile
Version 1:
Version 2:
Description:You are a detective! You found an information by check someone’s profile.
Mountain Flagger: Flag 20 posts
Description:You helped our community to be better 20 times. We thank you so much for that help!
Link king: send 10 links in a diffrent topic (to prevent spam)
Uhh i just woke up so you design the icon @sweezy
Description: Links are everywhere? Wow! What a link king are you!
Is this drunk to you?
Timeline passer:Use this thing that I don’t know what is it called
Description:Hello Timeline passer, you are now in the past. The time machine works so well, hope you have a good day in the past, timeline passer
Badge champion: Recieve all badges (If we can, don’t include the Trust Level badges. Or not, just don’t include Leader badge)
Description:Hey champion! You got every achievements in the community, you will have many attention!
[If it will be add, please make this badge a flair]
First mute: Mute a topic/message…'s notification
Description: Did that send you too much notifications? But for now, you won’t be notified to it anymore!
Group member: Join a group
Description:Say hello to others in the group, you are now a part of the group!
Idk the name but there should DEFINITELY be badges for getting views on your topics. AND getting votes as well bc we’re missing them so PLEASE PLEASE PLEEAASE add some of those
Ingame achivement idea: Unlucky clover: Lose a rare to a common (Better chance if wheel) Lose a epic to a uncommon (Better chance if wheel) Lose a legendary to a rare (Better chance if wheel) Lose a mythic to a epic (Better chance if wheel)
By ingame i mean bromon
I have ideas to make badges of your bro mons getting added
1 bro mon added: Creative: 1 Bro Mon added, your first idea is getting added, congrats!
3 bro mons added: Artists: 3 bro mons added, Wow! You are a true artist in the community and very liked!
5 bro mons added: Masterpiece: 5 bro mons added, your ideas are very liked and popular, they are masterpieces!