Can someone bann Gen-b? i'm tired

Who said Sane did

Im on my pc i was on my tablet when my pc was in Maintenace

Think i was toddler

It’s unrelated…

There’s only “sister”…

i flaged all his swear word posts out of my topic: Your invited! pick your favorite character and play

Do you care about other topics…

I’ll think about it



He called me f*ck boy like bro he tried roasting me with negative aura

womp womp keep posting your advertisements little one

become the Getting Banned Speedrunner 2

No :among_us_yellow_twerk:

the amount of times you have been flagged for spam is enough to literally clear you off the face of the earth.


Final question… what did you say to him in Indonesian…

Ok you my friend

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hi everyone, its me Luffashbob, my account is locked, so i sign in with second account

im pretty sure this is a children’s software not a bad word software
sorry if im being offensive, its not on purpose