Check my bromon idea! [DONE]

Hi sweezy community, here’s my bromon idea

Name: Language Llama
Type: Wildify
Rarity: Legendary
Description: from the Dawn of the first international e-mail, Llanguage Llama was there. This heartiful Bro-mon knows every word to cross the internet, he has a great power you shall never underestimate. (You can change or add to this desc)
Image: don’t have it but I’m sure someone can make it

@cloud @sweezy what do you think of this?

I like it lamas are best :llama:


means a lot thanks @Randomramen8

I love it! I love llamas and i love bro-mon, llamas+bro-mon=perfection


Screenshot 2024-05-28 21.19.03

Very simple, but i tried :sweat_smile:


love it

=) thanks!

youre welcome

@cloud could you vote for this?

how bout pearadacktol pear + terodactyl
type foodie
“pear in the air!”

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@ezekiel @RICHARD_DE_LA_VEGA @RemRemBoi @I_love_chez @AyoBird @OllyIsBest @PugPlays123 @Huntah @Kirbo what do yall do think of this also I know these are random names just trying to hat thoughts

yo @SophiaBeifong i just noticed that sweezy liked your drawing of my bromon


Can u vite for my bro mon it is caller the warriors bro mon

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Ok I will do it

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somebody should do a Duolingo bro-mon I don’t use it but It would be funny

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yeah thats true

:ok_hand:t2: :nail_care:t2:

@AngelicWeapon did you vote for this?