Christmas Event

@Catstrophe Ban him :smiley:

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No swearing plz Iā€™m only 9 years old

im 9 and i will fight back

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@Hatred5 bro were not mirrors so who calling a nig** huh who you calling it ur the one who created the word hatred cause everyone fills with hatred for you

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Shut up hatred you mother less and father lose creature

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There are young kids on this chat i dont get what your problem is

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@Hatred5 Bro get a life. Stop coming on Here and Using filthy language to get attention which Your parents never gave you.

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@Smart A glowstick has a brighter future than you.

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XD fr

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wait wHAT ur not supposed to be- nvm forget it

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Bro @Hatred Needs to be terminated
way dif from suspended

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did the updatecome out yet?

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im in!

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Like smart Iā€™m in too!

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