Complete the sentence: Bro-Mon


hey guys come on let’s fill this sentences

and go to the shops

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my favorite bro mon is fitty
in bro mon i hate when @cloud said fitty is ulgly
i hate emoji golem design
my favorite type is oddz ball i love fitty
my first bro mon was code bug
my favorite idea was my idea monkey taco luffy
i like on sweezy community leaders
I don’t like on sweezy community is @colizy

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  • My favorite bro-mon is doug
  • In bro-mon game, i hate when I lose
  • I hate emoji golem design!
  • My favorite type is wildfly
  • My first bro-mon it was cache creeper
  • My favorite bro-mon idea is […]
  • I like on Sweezy Community […]
  • I don’t like on Sweezy Community […]
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