DIA Chat(Help us win the war with Cat intelligence)


Cats dudes rule!!!

I hate that cats and dogs team cant be in peace! I a dog person, but I really like cats too! I just want pease :frowning:

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I want peacful war

Cat intelligence agency (CIA) - #19 by scratchgamer Raid with me its a playful and peaceful war

I’m trying to say no bad language but fun

Yaa invasion!

Invade the DIA

Summons a barrier of dogs that you cant break

Unless you punch me

Summons the first cat regiment destroyed the barrier second regiment take hold of the mighty dog war fortress

Grabs cat killer and stabs him Instant ko

Then I lunch a tsar bombar at u

Sends third and fourth troops the the first air battalion and first shipment naval response

Click for free robux

There’s no bobuc

Cats Winn this guys on cats team


Yoooo I like this idea, @scratchgamer !! DIA sounds soo cool!
