Emoji golem chat (most replied to topic!)

a special type of smoreceors who can put people in to the shadow realm to banish

oh yes… I can’t use it on something that can’t do me harm

that means i can do you harm???

i just choose not to

Fitty, Catnap, HissingHat, PhantomPanther, unite!

void smoreceor:banishes @Catstrophe to the harmful shadow realm

Jar relflects the beam to another smorcerer

what about me? grabs emoji scepter this is an artifact IT IS UNSTOPPABLE POWER.

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The ultimate Power! :four_leaf_clover::four_leaf_clover::four_leaf_clover::four_leaf_clover::four_leaf_clover::four_leaf_clover: luck to us!

void smoreceror:uses 60000000000000000000000 shadow will 'o whisps on @Catstrophe

oh yeah? bans @scratchgamer hacks

Fitty jumps and saves me from all them

i told you its unstobable

you actually didnt know im in god mode

let me remove that code real quick

no more god mode for you

actulally i told griftpatch to ip ban you

summons the ulitmate shadow smoreceror on @Catstrophe

i dont have a scratch account(tottaly true)

blocks with emoji scepter BRING IT