Emoji golem chat

:skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull:

Who needs help in the war

you know maybe me

us emoji gomens

emoji golems

I lock pick my cell and I escape

she escaped!!!

first one to say AMOGUS I will give them a minigun that shoots rockets

tosses @AngelicWeapon back in the cage*


I drop kick @Huntah in the head

needs to be uupercase

AMOGUS there

tosses @AngelicWeapon right back in*

this is getting interesting

here ya go gives the minigun

We need all emoji golems to help in this war!!!

hold up I’ma be annoying

THANK you hand over the scepter @AngelicWeapon

its to powerful for you