Emojigolem and flappybird chat temporary truce!

truce :doug: :stoxspydr: :emojigolem_lovely::handshake::flappy_bird1:

Why can’t you just do a proper truce @Huntah

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What did I do

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Bro FR

its justa truce

Someone get @RICHARD_DE_LA_VEGA and calm @Huntah down

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Yup @Catstrophe agrees and he/she on are team

Even the owner of emojigolem chat @RICHARD_DE_LA_VEGA said “yup” to the truce

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yup ik XD

i still dont agree.

Bro we ain’t gonna launch a surprise attack just relax

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This is a truce :expressionless:

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i agree

thats what they WANT you to think

idk if i made a mistake but idk

@Huntah even @RICHARD_DE_LA_VEGA agreed to the truce

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fu- idk Richard did @huntah soooo

Ok fine. If we don’t attack you today then will you believe the truce?

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… ifine