Ench-Frog Chat!

dodges I’m part of the ench frog tribe bro don’t kill me

Ench-frogs capture Ezekiel and the raiders

gets struck by jeekson

crashes then falls on the floor

I use zeuz thunderbolt

:face_with_head_bandage: :face_with_head_bandage:

gets captchured by jeekson

“Dragonborn I saw you attacking the emoji golems would you like to join our team.” says ench-frog leader

noooo dount !!!

shoots ezekiel and jeekson

I’m on nobody’s team!

then revives jeekson

Well Get outta here :anger: Pulls out gun

shoots @dragonborn

I’m on the ench-frog team

okay good :smile:

throws grenade at richard

gets @Jeekson out of water


ENCH FROGS ATTACCKKKKKKKKK ench-frogs attack Richard