Evolution bro-mons should evolve

Yeah sorry Bro-mon99 We’ve had this about 53 times already

How…wait…wha… did u count?

smart, voted

Yeah I counted


Since June that’s… long ago

It was a hard time for me…

Oh got ya

The pain… The suffering… The rebellious… The horrible… THE HUMANE!


Ayo what?

That was an accurate scientific description


Simple answer…The original poster of this topic…

They most certainly need to be able to evolve.

@sweezy doesnt like evos
@sweezy sorry for pinging you again but can u add this Merch idea for @sweezy

Oh, look like you mistook it! Actually Sweezy like many idea! And the Evolution is also one of those! It just take a lot of time to make the evolution so probably will in next more updates! :slight_smile:


Lol this is not my topic

Its @bromon99 's topic

ik you said vote so i did

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