Firewall Fenir Chat

Yay! Ok i gtg draw now! Byeee!

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BYEEEE!!! I also created a private chat with you so we can chat!

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Wait first give me a company name+ animal pls? Ill give u credit lol

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We alrdy have a warrior cats chat ima inv u

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hmmmmm… oh! FIREFOX

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Really?! ok sure! ty

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Also, did you see my Cha ching cat post?

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No lemme check

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the title is I got a new bro mon idea!

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Ik! I voted,

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Thank you soooo much!!!

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“warriror cat”

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your memes are not funny anymore

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bro keeps posting these ahh Bromon memes

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lets change the style of my memes then…

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hello everyone

Oh I got him

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He looks so cool

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