:flappy_bird1: Flappy Bird Chat! :flappy_bird1:

scratch is easy it’s literally just blocks

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well i selected lua with intense code

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Do you know Java or Javascript

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i know all of them

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(codes intense lua in your face)

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I know Java, JavaScript, CC+, Python, Lua, swift, and PHP, a bit more than 5

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Oh and I also know 010101s because I am learning how to make a supercomputer :cold_face::cold_face::cold_face::cold_face:

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print:(hey catastrophe say stun seed backwards)

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deez nuts :peanuts:

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You smell like beef

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print(uno reverse card)

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You still smell like beef

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That doesn’t change the smell ofnyourself

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print(you smell like pork and beef)

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I smell like cat

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print(:chicken_nugget_and_peanut_2: )

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print(say your favorite emoji 69 times in a single reply)

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print(say •‿•)

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