Give me cool Bromon concepts!

How about a yugioh card monster like the blue-eyes white dragon

Name: White Eyes Blue Dragon
Type: Fanfave
Rarity: Legendary
Slogan???: A mighty roar, king to the core!
Description: With its massive power and its mighty roar, the White Eyes Blue Dragon is the king of all beasts. Any other creature that dares to defy it meets a blast of blue fire!


cool, just a bit better of a name

Im probably wanting to sort all bro-mons by rarity?

Thisโ€™ll probably get shot down but maybe Big Bite? The Blue-Eyes White Dragon could be a cartoony version

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Like a quest like find something it can one or more if you get all it will trigger a Bro-mon

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I was browsing and found an interesting Bro-Mon concept, in which a person suggests that Bro-Mon appear on specific websites. I simply loved the idea and I think it would be a good concept to add to this topic :wink:

Idea by @Cole_Langevin

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Man, these I dead are great!


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A trading system between players! Random trading and invite trading, where you can trade bromons. this would also put duplicates into play and be a really fun aspect of the game

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free mythicals for all lol

add friends or followers or somthing. You can trade with only friends.

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yeah the trading with friend one is good

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I would probly like a custom bro-mon you can make and trade

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woah never thought of that! Awesome!


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np man

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:grin: should I suggest it

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Sure! Might be a bit hard to implement a feature like that but im sure sweezy could consider it!

on bro-mon suggestions

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