I cant make this sorry
No… Im not
Ive been very out, but i’ll never forgot here, even if i be out for a year, i’ll be back
Hello! You also would be a very good leader
I don’t think I am popular
I mean, I am mostly online, but…
But ur ideas are so good and you’re very active
but you are the best
No, i’ve been out for months
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still, you are very good, besides who will want me to be a leader
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I want!
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yeah I like sweezy Community
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wait you can make people leaders?
I think no…
oh it’s ok
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Lol yeah!
Lol youre way to popular than me
Wow, thas why i will not be leader, not one wants!
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Maybe someday i’ll be mod in something i’ve been trying to be a mod for a lot of things but people don’t let me
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