I got an idea for another bromon : NightWing

Lol, i think if you reach 60 votes like Cat Army did maybe this can get added!


Thanks for 53 votes and ur support Guys

Thanks on 54 votes guys

yeah! lets get this to 60!

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Tysm @Isabella_Grenfell

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night wing is cool i hope it gets added :).

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tysm again

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This is viral I guess

Lets get this to 60 votes, and added, why sweezy always dont check the 50+ votes idea?


Gózale que gpzále que gozále, Knorr al Pavo es lo que le faltaba!!!

Esto es español, Pancino estuvo aqui!

“Knorr al Pavo es lo que le faltaba!!!” – This means “Knorr for the turkey is what it was missing!!!”, implying that using Knorr seasoning enhances the flavor of the turkey

The phrase “Esto es español, Pancino estuvo aquí!” translates to:

:point_right: “This is Spanish, Pancino was here!”

Lol i found out what it means @PancinoPeace

Lets get this to 60 votes, and added, why sweezy always dont check the 50+ votes idea?

Mi pedazo de sol, la niña de mis ojos, que baila reguetton

my piece of sunshine, the girl of my eye who dances reggaeton

Thats a spanish song

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i speak spanish or… yo puedo hablar español

Guyz were nearly there Plz make sure to vote if u havent :blush: :blush: :blush: :blush: :blush: :blush: :blush: :blush: