I got an idea for another bromon : NightWing [DONE]


@sweezy check this please

Guyz we’re Nearly there Plz :slightly_smiling_face: make sure to vote If u Havent or if u have alts :innocent: :innocent:

hope this gets added

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If this gets 95 votes and its still not added, i think sweezy will not add it, but lets hope to get this to 85, because auroradragon get added at 85 votes

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TThis is strange that sweezy didnt added, maybe its similar to auroradragon,

hi :wave:



Lets go guyz we can do this

Obviously we can

Bro I realised in ever voted :skull: voted

o no :scream: :skull_and_crossbones: :skull:

I voted now



@sweezy Plz make this A bromon

(Plz check this out Sweezy) @sweezy

@sweezy @SophiaBeifong @moderators

check it out

Guyz were nearly there !!!

Plz make sure to vote if u havent

@sweezy please make this a bromon

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