I got an idea for another bromon : NightWing [DONE]

Indeed…User Arba will be kept, but A.R.B.A isn’t sure…

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@sweezy will trust A.R.B.A

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Because you created it?

Do you know how it feel to keep get notified just for…an advertising?

i don’t have a topic but i will try to make it

i am sure he will stop

Indeed I will stop, But @A.R.B.A Can you Please all vote {:

Not trying to ping 66 people at once…

Stop. :stop_sign:

Plwz y i just want them tovote!!!

I voted…

Not trying to ping all people at once…

look at this! @everyone


Mentioning “Everyone” won’t work, it doesn’t notify anyone! I have a theory about why you can post it but can’t notify


Guyz We can Do this !!!

:frowning: stop

woah chill you have 90

Yeah man :exploding_head:


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