I got an idea of a bro mon

Sure, do you want me to assist you?

I may be able to assist you in a few, not all though. I appreciate you listening to me. :blush:

If you want to

Ok, tysm

Mi gonna public information

Name: Rairfox
Catchphrase: Dancing in the rain!
Description: Created while a Fox dancing in the rain, Rarirfox emerged. With his 10 tails and majestic appearence, everyone who see her doing her ritual will be strong and its bro mons will be lucky!

I published the information


I will post AI first so an idea will form in your mind, and then I will do the actual drawing. Okay?

Ok tysm

Wait, is it a fox created of rain?


Ooh, you have changed your profile image?

Yeah, I kinda like it, its like the AI version

It is abnormally strange, how come your earlier messages have not changed ( I mean the profile image on these)

Maybe because it refresh

Sorry, AI does not understand β€˜Ten Tails.’ It will take me a while to draw it, I shall start now so that I do not waste too much time.

Well, put it 5

I have refreshed it, and I succeeded, thank you for your assistance!

It is fine, I do not need AI to base it off.