Idea: king bob minion bromon/miniking(if it has copyright issues)

idk try your best to make it popluar

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:open_mouth: but I think I can’t…

ok comeback later if you wanna do it.

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Cool…I know that I said that up here…

Thats called DM spamming

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its rude and unreasonable
:> :dotted_line_face:

What?Who are you talking aabout?Let me check

Make him super buff!

get out! @Lucier_Rosa

Make him buff like this

MiniKing: :x:
Buffking: :white_check_mark:


  • Normal King Bob
  • King BOB The Destroyer
0 voters

She is 18 you know.

That is what she says.

she is older than me :skull:

Dm me
