If you could have one bromon as a pet for the rest of your life, what will it be

kiddos he said pdf as in a file

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iā€™m 17 i should know

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nah its funny tho :skull:

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jk u should

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why u say kiddo u a adul*

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Screenshot 2024-07-27 7.53.57 PM
yeah sweezy what the heck

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you know i just meant kids XD

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wait why cant you say that?

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ok fair enough

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ikr sweezy

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welp imma do some homework cya later

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bye what its summer ur in summer school

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wait theres no homework in summer school

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homework bruh

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i dont go to summer school i go to school

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u said homework

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why u do homwurk then

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yeah, its winter for me

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