If you guys collect Pokémon cards can you show me your good cards

good! its real

I collect for 5 YEARS so I know if it’s real or now :grinning:

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same i have that

Ye can I see?

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Bomber detected

Nice card btw they probs aren’t me much cuz it’s ungraded it’s bout $6 but if graded it might be $20 to $90 in AUD

For magicarp

For gyrados it can reach over $60-$130!

heh sideways picture

I made it sideways so no face reveal

Yo that’s a good card it can range from $96 to $228 in AUD Goid find!

and the coolest part is I got it for free at my comic book store for christmas

we were having a Pokemon battle when they handed me mini tin of cards

Ive been looking for that one

XD its 25 anniversary edition so its a bit less value but… still super cool
I had another that wasn’t 25th anniversary but when I got it it was beat up and the lost it :stuck_out_tongue:

Thats why i want it

Trying to get all of them


makes sense