If you want the bro-mon master badge: Look here!


2 more

1 more[quote=“SophiaBeifong, post:1, topic:12778, full:true”]


If you want the bro-mon master badge, please pin the moderators:

@Catstrophe @sweezy @SophiaBeifong

For moderators see that you’re asking for the badge

I’m trying to give badge to everyone who need it so please pin me for ask, then i’ll receive the notification and grant you badge.

Thank you!

1 more

13 more yeah!

can i have the bro mon master @SophiaBeifong

please don’t ask me more than 2 times, it’s granted :wink:

12 more idk know what they are but I know some are monster catnap, catastrophe and doug. idk the rest

@SophiaBeifong can I have the Bromon master badge



Granted! :bromon2:

@SophiaBeifong is this good enough :slight_smile:

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Thts very good, but for the bro-mon master badge, you need every single bro-mon! Keep with this amazing job and you will get them all easily!

I am a bromon master!!! :bromon2: :bromon2: :bromon2: :bromon2: :bromon2:

:cloudphant: :cloudphant: :cloudphant:

can i get bro mon matser?

can I have the bromon master badge? @sweezy @SophiaBeifong @Catstrophe

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