If you want the bro-mon master badge: Look here!

lilzilla last bromon

Because he’s a strong monster! But he was playing and didn’t go to home early so he escaped!

Can i have one plz?

Please send a picture as proof that you finished the game!

Please send a picture as proof that you caught all the bro-mons!

To get more? I have no tips for this one sadly :frowning:

Can I get one plz @SophiaBeifong @sweezy @Catstrophe

Hey, i do not need a Master Badge, but would you mind sealing the highly inappropriate roast people here chat?

SophiaBeifong is very busy, she has a lot of things to do in life


i did it

Cool,but it’s really off-topic and you’re doing it everywhere


i need 17 more

Im done

How do you help community like what way?

why’d you delete it?
you have them all

@sweezy @SophiaBeifong @Aaravdeep_Singh @Catstrophe
can I have it , sorry for spamming

because I have a max of 3 replies at once

I can’t give badges, sorry

thx anyways