I'm done again and its also my birthday!

I just got BrrBlaze and its also my birthday today YAY :partying_face:

Good job!

Happy birthday @Super_Monkey!

THAnk you

your welcome

Could you check my other ideas? here are the links

Shape shifter New Bro Mon idea
New Bro Mon Idea Blobby one of my best
CupHead New Bro Mon Idea
Minecraft New Bro Mon Idea
New category Idea!


ANd if you like them maybe you could recommend it for some of your friends and vote or commen

I voted for all of them. You are very creative @Super_Monkey. Good luck hope you have a good birthday :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face:

TYSM @daniel_chen !!!

No problem @Super_Monkey (:

happy bitthday!

Well done!!
And happy birthday!

Ok and, whats wrong with people knoing my birthday