Is 2024 a good year or a bad year so far

What’s that?

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You didn’t know about the solar storm in 2025?


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hmmm…idk if is it true but i heard a long time ago that in 2025 there will be a solar storm from the Sun that will cause the electric not appear in 1 months?idk


they said it might be in july 2025

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- Steven He

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hmmmm…i think it myabe true because like everyone believe it

Well ok

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No sweezy community in a months? :frowning:

who knows, guess we will find out in 2025

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No Duolingo in a months? :skull:

Yeah the solor storm has the possibility to wipe out all electricity for a month which can be very fateful because the ISS will most likely lose all power.

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Bro i just learned about ARBA now we r going to have a solar storm in 2025???

I live in California so I’m probably going to melt

:melting_face: :melting_face: :melting_face:

I told my parents about the solar storm but they didn’t believe me Xd


Same lol i knew that a long time ago… no tv mabye no school yessir no bro mon DEAD

Screenshot 2024-08-12 3.29.16 PM

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that means my sweezy community streak will be broken noooooo :pensive: :tired_face:

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