Kaiser's Bro Mon Guide πŸ˜€ (v1.45) (OUTDATED) click the link at the bottom for the wiki post I will not be editing this no more

take it back or im flagging you @sroffke

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okay okay sorry I said that because monster dogday is the worst

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kaiser can you update this?

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in what way

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all the new bromon!

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like? which bro mons specifically cause i have every bro mon up to doug the mythical rn

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have anyone got this

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I got the snapghost and chimabunny too

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Who dis

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imm to rizze

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i see i currently cannot edit the guide for some reason i have conatacted sweezy

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@kaiser we need info

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currentlythere is a new snapchat ghost bro mon a doug but icecream bro mon and breaoni was added

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i have not caught the snapchat bro mon yet

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@sweezy pls yamper cursor

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There are 7 new Bro-mons!!!


yeah i realized but since my post is a month old i cannot edit it so im creating another post *same thing, but ill be adding the new bro mon on their but first i need acquire them :slight_smile: