Kaiser's Bro Mon Guide 😀 (v1.45) (OUTDATED) click the link at the bottom for the wiki post I will not be editing this no more

it was changed thanks for informing me

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Bro-Dex! like the name!

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@kaiser Wait this isn’t 1.33 patch this is just minor changes tho…

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1.34 would be minor changes 1.4 would be big changes

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oh k thx

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Hey can you put smoreceror on uncommon?
because i had an idea to make smoreceror uncommon and it’s now uncommmon actually.

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Will do cant right now working on exam’s ill drop an update later today.

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still gotta add more and add the rest of the pictures

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I love bro-mon but I only have 6 bro-mon

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Yes i know still busy on my exams and capturing the new bro mons also i have not been sent the new card photos by sweezy for the new bro mon so i can not possibly do that currently thanks for bringing it to my attention

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added all the new bro mon btw i will be doing pictures soon :slight_smile:

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cloud is a member of bro mon im kind of a moderator neither of use have connection to anything in the game

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Yes so?

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my bad

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Wdym I don’t have a connection

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Nothing proves that you are a mod, you don’t have a badge saying it or anything

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Omg i just realised i have every single Bro-mon from epic to common so now I can only get legendaries! Wish me luck :smiley:

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