Make William Afton

but doesnt that mean 'What’s up’ or ‘How are you’?

pretty much

its Yurrr not Yur

too lazy to type

or is it that ur lazy

knew it

i voted its a good idea <3 :3


i do not please teach me your ways

i believe you <3

Uhh…A friendship…Start sooner than I think…is there a reason?

That’d be cool

You 15… dang. Thought I was talking to someone young

I don’t mean it in a mean way.

im 15
and i know nobody asked

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Also, Just a question, Why is ur name Krissy? Not trying to be rude.

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cuz my real name is Kristina?
Krissy is short for kristina

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Oh, I didn’t know

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I though it might have benn Chrissy from yk, Stranger things :emojigolem_crying: : :emojigolem_crying:

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Sorry. Sorry sorry. :emojigolem_crying: :emojigolem_crying: :emojigolem_crying:

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whats with ‘‘sorry’’
why r u sorry???