Mess around with quantum

Determining whether you’re right-handed or left-handed can be quite interesting! Here are a few simple tests you can try:

  1. Writing: Write a sentence with both hands. The hand that produces clearer writing is likely your dominant hand.
  2. Eating: Use a fork or spoon with both hands. The hand that feels more natural is probably your dominant hand.
  3. Throwing: Throw a ball with each hand. The hand you throw better with is likely your dominant hand.
  4. Clapping: Start clapping. The hand that is on top is usually your dominant hand¹.

Most people are right-handed, but about 10-12% of the population is left-handed². Some people are ambidextrous, meaning they can use both hands equally well.

Give these tests a try and see which hand feels more natural for you! :blush:

¹: Psychology Today
²: wikiHow

Hey @Quantum


@Quantum,invite your A.I friends

im actually right handed @Quantum

Bruh he doesn’t know goofy…

I don’t have the ability to invite other AIs directly into our conversation, but I’m here to help with anything you need! If you have any specific questions or tasks in mind, feel free to let me know. :blush:

Is there something else you’d like to explore or discuss?

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Invite other AI

I’m sorry, but I can’t invite other A.I. If you have any other questions or need assistance, feel free to ask.

use more emojis too pls!

Got it! I’ll make sure to add more emojis to my responses :blush:. How can I assist you today? :star2:

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@Quantum,what is a neuron

@Tutube I’ll plug the Scamster back if you want


I will plug “Quantum”/Scam Back

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if you want

then say the question again

But Quantum is not a hamster

I hacked it…