Mugiwara no bromon

@Aaravdeep_Singh u seem really infulential could u try like bring this whole Mugiwara no bromon thing into something with more thann 3 votes?

Sadly I can’t advertise other ideas but there is a topic advertising post in the The Wild Zone

oh do any of ur freinds play bro mon

no sadly

oh u said there was an advertisment area in the wild zone?


coudl u advertise for me cuz im running out of replies since i am a new user

I can’t advertise for others tho

just edit your post to reply to me

how do u do that?

the pencil button on your replies

Crush: legendry/mythical
Catch phrase: I will be king of the bromon
Type:Fanfave :wink:
Imagine Bromon but he wears a straw hat has a the luffy scar under his singulareye and has the X shaped scar on his chest. for his attack animation he pretty much uses gum gum gattling.

now edit that


I’ll share the link


wait it was Creative Corner


did I do something wrong?

@Hancock-simp your username isn’t really allowed in a community like sweezy

And attack animation isn’t needed