New Badge: Bug Reporter

what the-

lol I new that for 3 months

thats…not what i meant?

i meant this

스크린샷 2024-08-18 오후 3.15.24


what is dat

Not what i meant bro

I knew that for 1 yr

No how do i by pass this
스크린샷 2024-08-18 오후 3.19.05

you weren’t here for 1 yr

Screenshot 2024-08-18 3.19.37 PM

:nerd_face: :point_up_2: E-rm Acorrding to my calculations I got banned on my acc called burd made on yr ago for spamming erm

? what

type in that

oof bro

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I’m acting like a gen alpha XD

soo yeah