New Bro mon idea candy flare

The reason is, that if someone advertised in ur topic, it can draw the attention to that someone’s topic so pls consider

it means not a bad idea. + Please do not spam!

did you use ai? As I recall, you said “This took me 2 weeks and a half to complete”.

Voted, but like @TheBssimulator said, it looks a bit AI.

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Isn’t it?

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2 weeks to think and draw my idea and I drew it on my iPad using a drawing app

Then I used a AI app to color it in

Is that Okay? :anguished: But it was my hard work drawing it in I love drawing

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It’s ok

thank you

Np I guess

But u gotta stop advertising in someone’s topic


but why I am just telling them to look into my one too and if they vote for mine I vote for them as well

Still u will draw attention away from other people’s topics. How will u feel if someone like took away all the attention from ur topic just for a vote?

U gotta consider too

but they can vote for that person and then vote my one

or maybe I will stop if you all say so or lets create a topic seeing if people feel ok about someone advertising their bro mon idea

why do you have so many pictures about candy flare and I now you used Ai so…

I lost my attention due to a advertisement

Well it’s better than nothing right?

I feel like you won’t vote for our topics

Yea I voted