New Bro Mon Idea-Night Hunter

Name : Night Hunter
Type: Iconicz
Rarity: legendary
Phrase: Why focus all your efforts on reshaping the Dream World
Description: He is the tyrannical ruler of the Grim Realm and the master of the Grimspawn who wishes to escape Dream World and rule the waking World.The Nightmare King had a belief that instilling fear in others would ensure his lasting memory, and thus he embarked on a mission to corrupt the Dream World. His sinister plan involved terrorizing dreamers and stealing thier imaginations.
Colour: purple ang black.

How do you guys like this new idea

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I love it! The art is amazing!


wow did you drew this?

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Nice idea, but maybe a little bit similar to my Hallow Jack idea?

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From drezem’s sorry if its spelled wrong forgot what it is called I watch every episode

give it less human quality’s bro-mon are know for being non human its not bad tho

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thanks for the support

Pls sweezy what do you think? is it good enogh to be added?

if you like it vote i just need 9 more votes

Do you think maybe a bit similar to my idea?

i dont think they will because they have never even added or seen any of my ideas so i wouldn’t be suprised if any of my ideas never get added

:disappointed: :cry:

Keep making ideas then!

yall this better be an official bro mon

@Lillyosas the art is amazing


this is amazing

please, be patient, @sweezy receive around 450 ideas!
They are still trying to see every idea and hope add a lot of bro-mon in every update.

Also: If this doesn’t get added, please don’t be sad, think on the process of creating that, look at this beautiful drawing! I cannot draw that.

