New Fun Bro-Mon Idea!


It’s like a rocket but it’s faster more enduring and it has lots of fuel and it’s very small. It also doesn’t brake apart

I didn’t read what you said but all I know you got smth called JupsterVPN

Huh where?

I never said that

ik you never said that but you even got a lizard pic you have marsgle
Space broswer

so a rocket huh?

What’s a marsgle

From my 1st trip to earth

Mars Broswer Availible in all planets besides EARTH

Yeah idk that

mmm ok
Sir English Or

The second one and u spelt it wrong it translates

I copied and pasted your “species”

and Ik its ghgll

Bro we’re just hoping on so many chats lol :rofl::rofl:

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U typed