New Fun Bro-Mon Idea!

Welcome @Seth_Pulbrook

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Yes, welcome!

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welcome to this community!
where everyone is acepted!


oh ur still on!!!

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for a small time but yes

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yayyyyy so what did sweezy say?

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The staffs agree that you just need to have a little bit of more experience as a leader then you will get a custom title

:o ok so a week or two?

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we’ll know when


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sozzle this looks sick. Please add him sweezy

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Hes soooo cool he is the biggest thing in year six

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why does this have 18 votes?

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in 2 days

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ok and?

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bro didnt even draw it

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womp womp to the power of womp

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he has got more attention then your parents ever gave you

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Thanks Guys

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hey sozz

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