New Fun Bro-Mon Idea!

nahhhh breh

it means to like to make fun of someone

Oh thanks I get bullied often so I will roast the mean guys

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thats sad

Well I will find roasts


i got you @Soren_Hansen

Welcome! @logan_benson1

Thanks @logan_benson1

We just Hit 30 Votes on This!!


Its just ur friends from school that mostly voted :neutral_face: @Soren_Hansen


No he’s not at My school. He’s a friend from another school that I used to go to. He Knows Sweezy community and I asked him To vote if that’s okay.

Is it okay?

I said mostly


Is it Okay? :question:

Gtg imma read the rest of this later

Ig ig

Okay Im sorry if I wrecked it

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