@Nitonus is spamming off topic audio’s in the Request New Emojis topic!

nobody uses them that much tho

then why are they a thing and what relevant things

some relevant things are making sounds for your customized bro mon, although only one person did that
and they are a thing because the owner of this website decided to

ok but there is currently no sound features for bro mons

oh yea get countered

I remember this topic

and this comment

although that was 3 months ago, and there are still no bro mon sounds in the game

oh yea get countered

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bruh nobody cares he literally said “But we decided to hold off for now, since it would slow down adding new Bro-Mons. Who knows, though—if we get more popular, we might just bring that idea back!”

for real

Using a feature too much :skull:

kkkk what

Use a feauture too much is count as Spam

Reply too much = Spam
Emoji too much = Spam
Audio too much = Spam

it does not count as spam bro :skull:

Who is the person that said “hey hey this is not ok” ???


did someone flag my audio or wha

btw i edited it so it doesnt say shirtpost

Moderators I guess
