Portal to the most voted bromon ideas portal *top 15*

Hi Guys, this is a portal to all the bro mon ideas that they aren’t added yet, make sure to vote them, if you want me to vote for yours, just reply me by saying @Pancino, enjoy! :bromon2:
You will be informed very day!
Post: Pls click this links that are below this post, steps to make for that
1st: Click in one of this 15th links here

2nd and last step: Click the vote button at the beggining of the topic.

Top 1 to 5
1st Auroradragon by @Pancino with 63 votes I got an idea for a bro mon: Auroragon
2nd Drakoobloxer by @KAySlay with 55 votes New bro mon idea for a roblox dragon!
3rd GojoCat by @GIABAO with 51 votes BRO MON Gojo idea time
4th Sparkbright by @TheBssimulator with 39 votes New Bro-Mon! Sparkbright!
5th Web Blazer by @Cars_fast with 38 votes New Bro-Mon idea pls vote 🥺🙏🏼

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Top 6 to 10
6th Tutube Ideas by @Tutube with 37 votes Tutube's New Bro-mon ideas?
7th 8 BallGollem by @Daniel_Josue_Sandova with 36 votes 8-ball Golem (NEW BRO-MON IDEA)
8th Smiling Criters Monsters by @naughtyone with 34 votes Smiling critters monsters
9th BroMon Brothers by @EthanDaZhao with 32 votes New ‘The Bro-Mon Brothers’ Bro-Mon
10th AssianSlipper by @I_am_pro with 31 votes New bromon idea Asian SLipper

Top 11 to 15
11th Cheesy by @AyoBird with 29 votes Cheesy (New Bromon Idea)
12th Cloud by @KRISSY with 29 votes MAKE A CLOUD BRO MON IN MEMORY ☁ :o
13th Titan MrBeast by @Asher_Lecours with 27 votes New Bro-mon! Titan Mr. Beast!
14th Elmo by @Aj_001 with 26 votes Elmo For a New Bro-Mon 😂
15th QuantumQuetzal by @activelysane323 with 24 votes QuantumQuetzal New Bromon Idea

@Pancino i have a topic with 50 votes. New ? rarity suggestion

45 votes: New Bro-Coin currency + evolving Bro-Mon
ik these aren’t bro-mon ideas but they’re still ideas :slight_smile:

wow! congratulation @Pancino ! you top one! but if you talking about most voted topic in this community…

Add Abilities to Bro-mon! check that and you will jumped

111 votes I know, Thats a lot

Alr i will make a topic of most voted topics in the community.

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“Tutube ideas”

I’m not a bear who want to be added to the game
I’m not a burned wolf who want to be added to the game
I’m not a girl who want to be added to the game
I’m not a bed hider who want to be added to the game

Endlessly continue, remember the " 's "


my bro-mon is in there


Good idea deserve to be in it

I know

same :slight_smile:

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thanks all of you

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